動物プロダクション SCIENCE FACTORY ltd.

動物プロダクション サイエンスファクトリー

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「 総本家たぬき村 」オリジナルグッズ – あなたも“動物たちの守り手”に!

「 総本家たぬき村 」オリジナルグッズ – あなたも“動物たちの守り手”に!



「総本家たぬき村」から、たぬき愛あふれる ワッペン、シール、トートバッグ などのオリジナルグッズが誕生しました。シンプルでかわいいデザインは、日常の中にさりげなく取り入れやすく、持つだけで“たぬき愛”を発信できます。

このグッズの売上は、日本の 野生動物の保護活動 や、怪我をしたり、住処を失った 動物たちの救護やケア に役立てられます。人間社会の変化により、厳しい環境に置かれる動物たち。彼らが安心して生きられる未来を守るために、あなたの力が必要です。

グッズを手に取ることで、動物たちの現状を知り、応援する仲間の輪を広げませんか? あなたも今日から“動物たちの守り手”の一員に!

🐾 小さなアクションが、大きな支えに。動物たちの未来のために、ご協力をお願いします!

Exclusive Original Goods from “Tanuki Village” Are Here!
From Sohonke Tanuki Village, our original collection of patches, stickers, tote bags, and more has arrived—each one overflowing with love for the tanuki, Japan’s beloved native animal. With their simple and charming designs, these items are easy to use in your everyday life, while proudly showing off your tanuki love!

All proceeds go directly toward wildlife protection efforts in Japan—helping injured animals, those who’ve lost their homes, and species struggling to survive in a rapidly changing human society.

By choosing these goods, you become part of a growing global community that supports wild animals and protects their future.
Join us today and become a guardian for animals in need.

🐾 Small actions make a big difference. Thank you for standing with the animals.

総本家たぬき村 キャンバストート(M)
カーキ:抜き文字タイプ [SD064]  2,800円

総本家たぬき村 キャンバストート(M)
サンドベージュ:抜き文字タイプ [SD063]  2,800円

総本家たぬき村 キャンバストート(M)
ミッドナイトブルー:抜き文字タイプ [SD062]  2,800円


“This one small choice can mean the world.”
The item you hold isn’t just a product—it’s a lifeline.
Your simple act of support helps provide safety, care, and a future for animals in need. One small step from you becomes a powerful force in building a world where every animal can live in peace.

カーキ:抜き文字タイプ [SD061]  5,800円

総本家たぬき村 帆前掛け ネイビー
抜き文字タイプ 昭和レトロ 商人風  7,800円


“For a future where people and wildlife thrive together.”
Wild animals live closer to us than we often realize. Living in harmony with them doesn’t require grand gestures—it starts with small, thoughtful actions. Your care and awareness can be the first step toward a future where humans and animals coexist in balance and respect.

TANUKI タヌキ精鋭部隊 ミリタリー
バイカー 刺繍 パッチ ワッペン  3,500円

TANUKI タヌキ精鋭部隊 ミリタリー
バイカー ステッカー デカール  1,500円

TANUKI タヌキ精鋭部隊1-3
ミリタリー バイカー ステッカー デカール  1,500円

TANUKI タヌキ精鋭部隊 No.1
ミリタリー (ベルクロ) 刺繍 ワッペン  3,600円


“Every purchase creates a bond—with the animals you’re helping to protect.”
These aren’t just products. They’re symbols of support—lifelines for animals who have no one else. By choosing to purchase, you become part of a circle of compassion that provides safety, care, and hope for rescued lives. Your small act can make a world of difference.

TANUKI タヌキ精鋭部隊 No.2
ミリタリー (ベルクロ) 刺繍 ワッペン  3,600円

TANUKI タヌキ精鋭部隊 No.3
ミリタリー (ベルクロ) 刺繍 ワッペン  3,600円

TANUKI タヌキ精鋭部隊2 ミリタリー
バイカー ステッカー デカール  1,500円

Our Mission

We are a privately-run animal rescue center, established by an animal production company in Japan. Here, we provide lifelong care for animals who have been abandoned, abused, injured, are ill, or are simply too old to be adopted. Despite the limitations in space and funding, our mission is to save as many lives as possible and offer them a safe, loving environment to live out their lives in peace.


Why We Do What We Do

Every living being deserves love, care, and protection. Sadly, many animals are still abandoned or hurt due to human convenience. We aim to be a place of “new hope” for these animals—where they are never again forsaken, and where they can live with dignity, surrounded by kindness.


What We Do

Rescue and Admission
We take in animals who have lost their homes due to abandonment, abuse, or accidents.

Lifelong Care and Adoption Support
We provide each rescued animal with proper medical care, nutrition, exercise, and affection throughout their life. When possible, we also help them find forever families who can offer lifelong love and commitment.

Education and Awareness
Through social media and community events, we promote a society where animals are no longer discarded or harmed, but valued and protected.


  • 保護・受け入れ

  • 終生飼養と里親支援

  • 啓発活動

How You Can Help

As a privately operated shelter, we receive no government funding. Our only financial support comes from our animal production work and the sales of original merchandise. All proceeds go directly toward medical care, food, and daily needs for the animals.

You can support us in many ways—by donating supplies, volunteering your time, or purchasing our goods.

Let’s build a future where every life is treated with love and dignity.
Your compassion can be their hope.





Calling all tanuki fans around the world! Discover our unique tanuki goodies on Etsy — including exclusive items you won’t find anywhere else! https://tanukisecretbase.etsy.com